Sorry, JavaScript is required for this site. Please enable it. Thank you. CLAIM your own Short Domain Name for free here with our URL/Web Link Shortener (without frames too)

For example, you can instantly shorten any long links of Google maps, Bing Maps, websites with long addresses, any long domain names/URLs from WordPress, Wix, Weebly, or your favourite bookmarked pages..etc as well.

*Please enter your desired shortcut name after <--
(Please kindly double-check that your desired shortcut name does not contain any special characters, such as "`", "]" , "|" or "@", because some browsers may have difficulties in processing them. Thank you.)

*Your long Web Link/URL that needs to be shortened:
Please enter your URL here:
if you want to get an equivalent Shortcut URL/Link/Domain Name for it.

Anti-Spam Code:
*Please enter the above Anti-Spam Code in the following field before sending.
Anti-Spam Code:
(Please check availability of the shortcut name first, otherwise you may need to refresh this page again.)

* fields are the REQUIRED fields.

Optional Request: You can also tell us specifically when you want your shortcut domain to expire so other users have a chance to claim it later.

..need Special Requests?
For example:

*Web Analytics
We'll provide detailed reports on the number of visitors with unique IP addresses visiting your websites, along with number of sessions taken, timestamps, geolocation info such as countries of origin..etc.

*Customized Redirections with Your Own Brands
For example: Instead of using "" + "ShortcutName", you can use your own brand "" + "ShortcutName" with all the added benefits given by us.

*Answers-Revealing Sessions/Events, Firsthand Sync-up Shows (FSS) ..etc.
We'll help you organize cross-revealing events/sessions to cross-examine, verify & authenticate one another because things posted on the Internet are not necessary accurate or truthful. There will be great opportunities for you to get best answers & solutions with real identities.

*Bulk Resonances
We'll pull out the most relevant groups of resonances for you so you don't have to search one by one.

*Improved Visibility & Availability
We'll push up your "ThinkWave" to the top surface levels so they can be more searchable, accessible and visible. People who resonate with your ideas can reach out to you more easily.

*Tailor-made Customized Actions
Online or offline mobile campaigns can be made possible for your projects upon request. You can scan for chances of success in your target areas via satellites' remote control.

Please contact us for more information if you are interested in special requests.

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ThinkWave Radio